category links
Google Photos on iOS does not have a slideshow function! 😱 They did however roll out a new designed and killed off For You feature.
He [Galton] even measured the life spans of sovereigns and clergymen, which, being similar to the lifespans of people in other professions, led him to conclude that prayer brought no benefit.
– Leonard Mlodinov
Mlodinov’s “The Drunkard’s Walk…” is a fantastically good book. I couldn’t pull myself away of it, I’d read it in the morning before the work starts and right after I wrap it up for a day. A captivating overview of mathematics of chance, randomness, and statistics put in a very comprehensible form and language, intertwined with amusing digressions into history of mathematical thought, it connects randomness with our everyday life. Scientific American’s comment reflect my feelings: “Delightfully entertaining”.
Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.
Writing is nature’s way of telling you how sloppy your thinking is.
My, when would they finally invent a direct connection interface from a brain to computer? Can’t wait, really.
Acronyms are new words formed from the initial letters (or parts) of a series of words, such as RAM from random access memory, and radar from radio detecting and ranging. Initialisms are a similar sort of abbreviation but are pronounced by saying each letter separately, for example BBC, VHS, and the FYI of this post’s title. The distinction, BTW, is not always strictly observed – initialisms are often loosely called acronyms. This imprecision is rarely problematic, but it’s good to know the difference. HTH.
This week: technology links and some other interesting articles.
This week: technology links and a chart with sunlight hours.
This week: technology links and Stephen Fry’s open letter.
This week: technology links and some English titbits.
This week: technology links, algorithm courses, bootstrap goodies, and Ukrainian IT.
This week: technology links and AmE vs BrE talk.